Fast, friendly & professional service that you would expect.
Since Jan 1 2023..
Over 1/4 of a billion $ sold
Put your trust with us in getting a sale completed.
If you received an unsolicited offer we firstly like to thank you for inquiring about us.
If you received a postcard.. we would like to talk to you about
selling part or the entire real estate portfolio ?
What we do.
Our role is that we alone, scout out redevelopment areas,
represent sellers, and syndicate a group sale to our investors.
We work hand in hand with you and your lawyer and
provide customer service to the buyers ensuring the highest
selling price for every seller. The brokers fee is to be built into the price.
We create interest.
We deal with domestic & foreign
private capital firms, Tier 1
Commercial & Residential
developers &
high net individuals
that act quickly.
We look forward in hearing from you.
When it comes time to sell no
MLS listing is required.
We prefer to deal direct.
Email us today for confidential discussions.
Recent land Sales / Conditional
Entire block of Glengrove & Coldstream ( 15 homes )
Hillmount Ave. / Marlee ( 5 homes )
Markham: 17 - 31 Morgan Ave. ( 8 homes / Entire block )
16 - 30 Glen Cameron Rd ( 8 homes / Entire Block )
North York: 16 - 36 Connaught Ave. /
Cam Fella Subdivision Stouffville: 15 estate lots
Toronto: 23 - 29 Greenbriar Rd
2 - 14 Cusack Crt. ( 8 homes / Entire court. )
375 - 401 Kingston Rd
2130 Mountain Grove
Real Estate Websites by Web4Realty